How To Celebrate Easter With A Family Biking Adventure | KBO Bike

How To Celebrate Easter With A Family Biking Adventure | KBO Bike


Biking is a really fun sport, especially when done with loved ones. It creates the opportunity to spend genuine time with friends and loved ones, while still achieving the aim of exercising. Families can benefit from biking as a team. This fosters parent to children relationships and boosts inter-sibling love. Also, the whole family gets to exercise and keep fit. It might be otherwise stressful to plan fun and exercise activities separately. Why not go for both if you can?

Families can plan a biking experience for special seasons in the year. Be it Easter or Christmas, the fun is never any less. Easter biking is a trend that has rapidly become established as a way of enjoying this lovely holiday every year. If you are thrilled about Easter, here's another avenue to spread love and spend time with your family. However, a plan must have been set in motion way earlier to make sure all participants can ride (both parents and children) and that gears are available when needed. Easter biking is always an amazing experience. Here's how to make it happen.


How To Celebrate Easter With a Family Biking Adventure


What is Family Biking?

There are more parents embracing biking as a family activities in recent times. Although it mostly mothers but family biking is steadily becoming a culture. A biking store owner in Seattle said “Family biking is really the only aspect of cycling that's populated by women. Because over half of our customers are women. Women have been pushed aside by the biking community, so it's amazing to watch this change happen".

Family Biking is when part of or all the members of a family ride bicycles as a unit for different reasons. It is common to see children carried along on adult or a cargo bike. Although, kids could also have their own bikes, if they are old enough to ride. For quality options, you can check out KBO Bikes. Many families prefer family biking because there would be less dependence on cars, while others simply enjoy biking for fun. 

How to Plan an Easter Biking Activity

There are useful information parents should learn about planning a biking activity for their family this Easter. These include how to help their kids learn, getting gears, teaching kids the rules of the road etc. However, the plan must have commenced months before Easter for it to be feasible.

1. Teach Your Kids How to Bike

  An Easter biking adventure would be impossible if the kids cannot ride. It is quite normal to find parents that ride but there might be a need to teach the children how to ride till they are confident in their abilities. You can schedule frequents sessions way before Easter, especially weekends to start training them on the technicalities of biking. In no time, they would be racing with you! If you planning to ride along the east coast, explore the greenway and scenery along side. 

2.Getting Gears and Bicycles

To make this biking adventure possible, parents must ensure that everyone in the family has gear that fits. You do not need more than a bike and a helmet. Although, if there is a baby, a trail-a bike or balance bikes might be needed. Also, water bottles must be packed, so all family members can hydrate properly through out the trip. You can get everyone a city commuter electric bike for its amazing features.

3.Safety Measures For All

Safety is a major concern for parents and could even discourage them from planning a biking adventure. However, it is better to put safety measures in place rather than denying your family a fun experience. Parents can teach their children to ride safely by creating a mini-obstacle course simulating sticks, rocks, potholes etc. This helps them find their confidence in biking.

It is also important for parents to lead the way when biking. Children must be taught the traffic signals to obey, to always stop at intersections and walk their bikes at stop signs. You must have a communication system set up ahead of time, so as to be able to coordinate the kids. Here is an electric bike safety guide for you.

4.Plan a Short Destination Course and Start Riding

Parents should endeavor to plan a short rides at first to encourage the children. The destination could be set to a popular playground, an ice-cream shop or a friend's house that's not too far away. This gives your angels a feeling of accomplishment on reaching the goal.

With time, you can start planning longer rides. Though, you might have to find the best route yourself or ask others for advice. As soon as you have decided on your preferred course, the family should try out a couple of test runs to get into the feel of family biking!

Why Bike This Easter

There are many reasons why families should participate in a biking adventure this Easter. They include:

  • Creating Fun Family Moments

Biking is a great activity for creating spontaneous fun moments as a family this Easter. You can take a camera along to capture any priceless moments as you go along the course. Who knows? It might be mom falling off her bike, dad missing a turn or a kid stopping at the wrong destination. But there's always something to laugh about. Easter is a season of love, so have loads of fun with your loved ones!

  • Exercising As a Family

Exercising is a good habit to teach children. There might not be enough time to exercise due to the usually packed weeks. So, a family biking trip is a way to spend quality time together, while exercising. Commuter city electric bikes are a great choice for every member of the family.

  • Learning a New Skill

Kids are usually thrilled at the idea of learning a new activity, especially one they can do with their friends. Parents should teach them how to ride, so whether it is Easter or any other occasion, they can participate fully.

  • Celebrating Easter Unconventionally

Who thought Easter could be celebrated by biking? More and more unconventional activities are being adopted for the various holidays of the year. As a family, it is cool to try out new ways to spend your favorite holidays. Therefore, start planning your biking adventure today!


Biking has gotten more popular over the years as a means of bonding with loved ones and close friends. Don't let this be another boring Easter, where you just sit indoors all day. Get your bikes, set a course and let the wheels roll!