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Is A Fat E-Bike Good For Touring?
There are several uses for electric bikes, including commuting to and from work, hiking, hunting, workout, and a host of others. These uses are vast, but you can tell the significant benefit of an e-bike from the size of the tires. Generally, thin-tire electric bikes are not used for hunting exercises or cycling in extreme weather conditions. These e-bikes are for running errands in the neighborhood or commuting from one appointment to another.
Fat tire e-bikes, on the other hand, are built stronger than thin tire e-bikes. They are better for hiking, hunting, and riding on rocky terrains because the tires cover more surface area, giving you a firmer balance on the roads. These wider tires also help to cushion the effect of bumps on the streets by absorbing the shock firsthand. Electric bikes allow for flexibility and spontaneity for tourists when it comes to touring. Several advantages come with touring with a bicycle, and this article uncovers some of them.
What is bike touring?
When you paddle your bicycle for extended periods across entire cities, states, or even entire countries, most people refer to this as bike touring. In other words, you wouldn't rely solely on the motor to move. The bike tour can be a long one-day ride or a multi-day event. Friends or partners can take your food, clothing, and gear in a vehicle that meets you at checkpoints along your route.
It could also be a solo or group adventure where you take all necessary clothing, equipment, food, and tools on your bicycle. Bicycle touring is simply traveling with your ebike across different states and cities. Bike touring refers to independent cycling journeys undertaken for fun, adventure, and autonomy as opposed to for sport, transportation, or exercise. Touring might last for weeks, months, or even years. It can often be by the participant, a holiday company, a group, or a charity to raise money.
Fat Tire EBike Tornado for Road Trip
Benefits of touring with a fat bike
Tourists aim to cover as many cities and states as possible in the fastest and safest way possible. While riding, you must consider the presence of other road users and protect their interests. Here are some benefits of going on a tour with a bike.
Reduces puncture:
Fat tire e-bikes are thicker and stronger than thin tire e-bikes, which is an advantage in most cases. The chances that you would get a flat due to a puncture on your fat tire e-bike are slim because of the build of the tires.
Conquer any terrain:
The design of fat tire e-bikes gives riders more grip and traction no matter the road type. Whether you are riding in the snow, mud, or heavy sand, a fat-type e-bike will ensure your safety and balance on the e-bike. These tires cover a larger surface area on the road, giving you more grip as you ride through unfriendly terrains.
Ample Storage Capacity:
When embarking on bike tours, having sufficient storage capacity is crucial. With its maximal total payload capacity of 400lbs, the KBO Cargo Ranger offers various attachment points, including racks and pannier mounts, allowing you to carry all your gear and essentials and even your children effortlessly. Whether it's camping equipment, clothing, or food supplies, you'll have ample space to pack everything you need for your adventure.
Extended Range:
Long-distance bike touring requires a reliable and efficient battery system, and the KBO Fat Tire E-Bike delivers on that front. Equipped with a high-capacity battery, this e-bike offers an extended range of 60miles one single charge, allowing you to cover more ground without worrying about running out of power. You can explore remote areas and embark on multi-day adventures, confident that your e-bike will keep up with your explorations.
Helps you ride in comfort:
Again, the trick is in the tires; a fat tire e-bike gives you the advantage of a smoother, less bumpy ride. If you are very particular about your ride comfort, you should invest in a fat tire e-bike. They are the now and the future. The rubber of these tires absorbs the shock caused by bumps on the road, leaving you feeling zero or minimal impact. Also, since they cover a larger surface area, they give more balance to riders.
Makes riding fun:
If you are an outdoor enthusiast, fat tire e-bikes would be your better choice of tires for apparent reasons. These bikes are comfortable for the riders and aesthetically pleasing to onlookers and other road users. The design of the fat tire e-bike is good to the eyes and not so rampant, so you make a statement any time you ride by.
Safety bike touring tips
Ensure your bike is in good condition:
This safety tip is the most important if you plan to go on a tour with your e-bike. Check the tires for punctures and ensure the air pressure is correct. You also want to ensure that the headlight and tail lights are functioning correctly to avoid getting stranded if you meet nightfall during your tour. Check the brakes and your battery level too!
Use your handlebar correctly:
Your e-bike is with two handlebars for a reason. Refrain from forming the bad habit of cycling with your hands on one handlebar and the other doing something else. Your maximum attention is required while you drive, so ensure the two hands are on the handlebar at all times.
Know the laws:
You can only obey traffic laws if you know them, so reading up and learning the latest e-bike traffic laws of all the cities or states you might visit is expedient. Have them saved on your phone so you can reference them as you approach the town.
Avoid excessive drinking:
When bike touring, maximum road attention is required. You cannot afford to be distracted even for one second, so avoid drinking until you are done cycling for that day. Alcohol only messes with your system and causes you to make a poor judgments.
Which bike is best for touring?
Touring differs from a casual ride to work or a nice neighborhood ride. It is a bit more intense and requires that you pay maximum attention to details. With the benefits of the fat tire e-bike highlighted above, you might have deciphered that fat tire e-bikes are a better option for touring. They come with more advantages that will help your touring experience. The Cargo EBike KBO Ranger is suitable for carrying lots of heavy loads and children. While the All-Terrain Electric Bike KBO Tornado is a superior fat tire electric bike with a width of 26X4 inches. This e-bike is one of the fattest e-bike tires in the industry, and it is very recommended for that tour you wish to go on. Both the two robust fat tire ebikes are ideal choices for winter riding.
Read EBike Winter Storage Guide Here.
Touring may take you through various landscapes and experiences, from challenging mountain climbs and thrilling descents to slow and pleasant journeys where you spend more time visiting unique places than actually riding your bike. Experience the country's views, sounds, and fragrances and take in the diverse geography, which offers constantly changing landscapes. It's about enjoying and exploring things you might otherwise miss while traveling between destinations. Anyone can go touring, including young children, but choosing the right ebike is as important as the tour itself.
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