How to Ride in Groups |KBO Bike
Riding in a group is significantly easier than riding alone since an efficient group can maintain a higher average speed. It is also a great way to participate in events and hang out with friends.
Riding in a large group may appear intimidating at first. However, anyone can learn to ride safely and smoothly in a group and benefit from the faster pace. To begin riding with a group, it is beneficial to understand some of the dos and don'ts of group etiquette. What appears unpredictable and unsafe at first becomes straightforward to follow once you know these things.
One of the essential skills in road cycling is riding in a group safely and efficiently. However, the first few times you ride in a group, the experience can be perplexing. We have all of the necessary information and skills to keep you safe, confident, and having a good time while riding.
It might be nerve-wracking if you're not used to riding in a group, but try to keep calm, follow these suggestions, and avoid tensing up.
Make it clear to the other riders that you are new to group riding and would appreciate their patience, advice, and ideas. Remember to ask questions if they say or do something you don't understand, and keep in mind that everyone was new to group riding at one point.
The fundamentals of group cycling
You'll typically be riding in a double paceline with two abreast when the route permits. This provides wind protection for everyone behind the two leading cyclists.
The amount of time each rider spends in the lead is generally negotiated before the start of the ride. Tired riders will make shorter turns.
Because everyone is riding so close together, you will have to make your speed as smooth and controlled as possible if you're in the lead. This means no clutching the brakes or accelerating quickly, especially out of curves and bends. Always cover the brakes with your hands, whether on the hoods or the drops.
Half-wheeling or shoving your front tire before the cyclist next to you is lousy group riding etiquette. It might be seen as a passive-aggressive hint that you want to pick up the pace. Instead, strive to maintain your handlebars level with the person next to you. If you're unsure about your pacing, try to keep up with more experienced riders.
It's preferable to have at least a wheel length between your front wheel and the back wheel in front while you're just starting. You'll be able to narrow the distance as time goes on. However, do not overlap your wheel with the person in front of you, as the wheels may collide with the slightest gust of wind or road bump. Keep your head up and gaze ahead for dangers or signs from the environment.
It's vital to expand the space between cyclists while approaching hills so that they can slow down. Don't get off of the saddle when someone is immediately behind you. The back wheel of your electric bike will drop around half an ebike length. They may swerve or brake suddenly as a result of this.
Front cyclists should aim to keep pedaling on downhills; otherwise, riders who benefit from their draft will have to brake. Consider allowing everyone to descend at their own pace and regrouping at the bottom before further descents.
All cyclists in a group are accountable for each other's safety. The only way for a group to ride securely together is for the riders in the front and back to function as the group's ears and eyes and for messages to be sent through the lines.
When you detect a pothole, signal it before going around it so that the rider behind you is aware of your intentions and may avoid the hole. Before changing your path, if you need to move out around an impediment or parked automobile, signal with your arm behind your back the direction you are heading in. If you're coming to a halt or slowing down, signal with your hand at your side, palm towards the rider behind you.
A cry of 'car up' (from behind) or 'car down' (from the front) alerts other cyclists to impeding traffic. You may need to warn individuals to 'single out'(ride in a single line) to let the car pass.
People often make a lot of noise during group rides, shouting out every pothole, obstacle, or car. This can make individuals jittery and uneasy. Stick to hand signals as much as possible, and only yell a warning if necessary – yelling too much will turn you into the kid who cried wolf.
Bike control
On the commuter bike, it's critical to maintain a comfortable posture. It's incredible how much energy you can squander when you're tensing up your body and stressing about keeping up. Relaxing your shoulders and maintaining a smooth, straight line can make you feel more secure and save you energy by reducing the time you spend shifting about in the saddle.
When turning with other riders, strive to keep a smooth and predictable path and avoid braking hard. On hills, groups tend to create a tighter formation. If you rise in the saddle, shift up a gear and put more power on the pedals to prevent briefly pausing and colliding with the rider in front of you.
The position is crucial when riding in a group or on a wheel. You can get some free speed if you can locate that magical sweet spot where you're sheltered from the wind. This is when trust and communication come into play since you're pretty close to the cyclist in front of you – 30cm or less. It would be best if you trusted that the rider in front of you would be smooth and would not swerve or brake suddenly.
One crucial guideline is never to let your front wheel touch the cyclist's back wheel in front of you. Crashing frequently occurs when wheels come into contact. Get as near as possible to the shelter to use it, but avoid overlapping wheels.
Suppose you're concerned about being left behind. In that case, the game's goal is to hide as much as possible while using as little energy as possible. This includes staying out of the wind and tucking behind a trusted rider. For obvious reasons, a larger rider will provide more protection, but a smooth rider might make it feel simpler to stay up.
Furthermore, don't allow yourself to fall to the back of the group since this will amplify any gaps in the group. You'll have to work even harder to get back on after tight turns or changes in speed. Try to stay in the group's front third, close but not in the lead. It requires concentration to stay in this position; it's easy to stray to the back without noticing it.
If you're worried about getting dropped on the hills, try to allow yourself some 'slipping room.' If you start the hill towards the front of your group, you'll be able to ride it slower than everyone else and still be in the group (although near or at the back) when you reach the summit.
It's like joining the Musketeers when you decide to join a group ride: all for one and one for all. For safety and efficiency, the entire group must act in unison. This is especially critical when you're in the lead. Is it possible for the whole group to make it through the green traffic light? Is there enough room in the traffic for everyone to turn left? While everyone must be accountable for himself, try not to put riders at the back in a position where they must choose between a risky scenario and continuing with the group.
A car will pass too near the group at some time during a group ride, or some irate individual will shout at the group from a car. Escalating these situations may be dangerous, and by including other individuals in a scenario they may not want to deal with during a group ride, you risk jeopardizing more than just yourself. Individual cyclists and groups should vigorously protect their right to use the road safely, but keep in mind that your actions will reflect poorly on the entire group. Even if others aren't, act like an adult. One person might have everyone ticketed instead of continuing the journey when it comes to traffic roadblocks.
Most of these behaviors become second nature with time. The longer you ride with the same group of individuals on a team or local club ride, the better you'll be able to predict how the entire group will act and the more comfortable you'll feel riding together. Head over to to decide which bike you want to use for your group ride.