Health Benefits of Being Outdoors | KBO Bike

Health Benefits of Being Outdoors | KBO Bike

As the days become shorter and the temperatures decrease, curling up in your apartment with a good book becomes increasingly appealing. And that's fine. It is beneficial to your health. If you're a self-proclaimed homebody, a change of scenery could be beneficial. Spending time in nature has been shown to promote physical and mental health, prevent illness, and even make people happier. Spending time outside is a natural treatment in studies. It can make you feel better in terms of your physical, mental, and emotional health.

Spending more time outside has also been related to a reduced chance of dying young. Spending time in nature can help you have a happier life in addition to helping you live a longer, healthier life. You might be hesitant to go outside unless necessary after a year of social isolation and attempting to manage your lives during a pandemic. Spending time outside is one of the most straightforward methods to boost your mental health and well-being. In reality, there has never been a more important time for the advantages of nature, or a greater need for them.

​​We understand that working full-time makes it difficult to spend time outside. Even a few five-minute outdoor breaks throughout the day might benefit your health.

Continue reading to discover some of the incredible health benefits of spending time outside.


Happiness isn't something you get by accident. Everyone can make tiny changes in their behavior, environment, and relationships that can lead to a happy life. Spending time outside makes you happy, according to science! While researchers aren't sure what creates this correlation between being outside and being happy, many studies have demonstrated that spending time outside improves our mood. Spending time with nature has been shown to lessen the likelihood of developing depression and anxiety, as well as improve symptoms.


Research has shown that physical activities such as outdoor exercise are great for mental health. Particularly when done outside. Walking or running outside burns 10% more calories than working out on a treadmill at the same speed. When exercising outside, the distractions of your surroundings divert your attention away from the task at hand. As a result, you'll probably end up exercising for far longer than you would if you were training indoors. Another advantage is that when children play outside, they are twice as active. Cycling being a low-impact exercise is an outdoor activity that is very effective in burning calories, you can read our post on how you can use cycling for weight loss to know more about cycling and calories loss.

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Because it is produced when the skin is exposed to sunlight, vitamin D is also known as sunshine vitamin. Vitamin D protects against everything from osteoporosis to cancer, to depression, to heart attacks and strokes, according to research. It helps your bones, blood cells, and immune system must function properly. It also aids in the absorption of certain minerals such as calcium and phosphorus by the body. To make calcium, your body requires sunlight, but only a small amount. During summer, getting some light for 5 to 15 minutes twice or three times per week should suffice. In the cold, you may require a little extra. Remember that too much sun might harm your skin. If you're going to be outside for an extended period, wear sunscreen. What better way to get the sun on your face while riding on your electric bike? With the breeze soothing your face. You might want to consider getting an e-bike during the e-bike black Friday sales at KBO bike.


Interestingly, spending time outside as a child may improve vision later in life. A new Canadian study discovered that spending time in nature significantly lowers the likelihood of myopia or nearsightedness. One-third of adults in the United States suffer from myopia disease, and a lack of outdoor activity as a youngster is a primary cause. Encourage your youngsters to spend time outside every day to maintain their vision later in life. It is much easier than getting kids to eat carrots.

In this generation where a lot of us spend a long time on phones and other screened devices. going outside can be quite beneficial to your eye health. Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) is a disorder caused by staring at computers, tablets, and smartphones for long periods. People with CVS may find that spending time outside helps them with blurred and double vision, burning eyes, and headaches.


It is hardly a coincidence that our best ideas come to us when we are comfortable. Unplugging and spending time in nature is a terrific method to boost creativity. Disconnecting from technology, especially social media, and giving your mind a much-needed break are the keys to success. Most people are constantly on a mission to accomplish as much as possible in their daily lives, which causes them to lose focus. Fortunately, nature appears to have the potential to restore attention, which can lead to increased creativity.

Most of our big ideas emerge from hiking rather than trying to force fresh notions onto a whiteboard.


When you go outside your house, you notice more than just Mother Nature. You are also more connected to the people and places in your neighborhood. Human touch and a sense of belonging are essential for mental well-being. Plan a route that takes you to a friend's house and then to the park for some exercise. Social connection is also beneficial to our brain's health and may even help to prevent dementia. Plus, people who are social live longer. We do not need research to tell us that when we are not on our phones, we are far more engaging with nature and our surroundings.


Connecting with nature outside aids in the establishment of your sleep cycle. Your body's internal clock requires adequate light for cells in your eyes to function properly. Early morning sunshine, in particular, appears to aid people in falling asleep. As you get older, this may become increasingly significant. Your eyes become less able to absorb light as you get older, and you are more prone to experience sleep issues.


Spending more time outside may help with natural pain relief! A 2012 study found that students who were required to spend time in the woods had lower levels of inflammation than those who were required to spend time in the city. Inflammation has been linked to autoimmune illnesses, depression, and cancer, among other health problems. Numerous studies have shown that spending time in green environments reduces inflammation.

Men and women of all ages can benefit from these natural anti-inflammatories. People who spent time in the forest, ranging from healthy young males to elderly persons, showed a substantial change in inflammation.


Spending 120 minutes outdoor each week is excellent for good health and well-being. Being outside regularly is likely to improve your mood. Researchers point out that the recommended two hours per week does not have to be divided evenly. That is fantastic news for people who live in cities, who have little access to nature and have busy schedules. You'll receive the benefits whether you go outside for one day a week or seven days.


This article will not serve its full purpose, if we do not include a few tested and trusted recommendations for making the most of your outdoor experiences while being safe:

  • Plan your route: With so much information available through the internet, it is easy to become paralyzed by indecision over where to go. We enjoy apps like AllTrails, which allow you to find the nearest hike or outdoor activity to you and filter it by distance, difficulty, and user reviews.
  • Dress appropriately for the weather: Before going outside, check the weather forecast and be prepared for possible weather conditions such as rain or snow.
  • Apply sunscreen: Whether the weather is bright and sunny or overcast and gray, a broad-spectrum sunscreen is necessary.
  • Stay hydrated: If you will be off the grid for a long time, bring lots of water and a snack, as well as a full meal if possible.
  • Be Accountable to someone: If you are going to the park or the forest, let your loved ones know where you will be going ahead of time, as mobile reception may be sketchy.

Going outside daily will surely improve your overall health and well-being in the short and long term. While you will probably feel an instant difference in your attitude and energy level, keep a written record of your outdoor experiences and any health improvements, since many advantages take time to manifest. Above all, have fun while you are away from the everyday grind.