Cycling Recovery Tips for Older Riders | KBO Bike

Cycling Recovery Tips for Older Riders | KBO Bike

Has jogging become too hard on your knees? Swimming is an alternative, but it doesn't give you access to the outdoors. It can get uncomfortable and stressful to stay active as you age. Your bones and muscle structure start to go weak as you get older, and you may have aches and pains that would prevent you from having a strong desire to exercise. The older you get, the more important it is to exercise. Try cycling. Age is just a number in this endurance sport. It keeps you fit and lets you commute.

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Here's why cycling is so important

Cycling is one of the best exercises for aging bodies. It helps you work your cardiovascular system and keep your immune system healthy. Because cycling is a low-impact aerobic exercise, it reduces strain on the joints. Research has shown that biking can slow down the aging process in various ways. Another important finding was that cycling improves immunity. As you get older, your thymus, a T-cell-producing organ, shrinks. T-cells are a part of your immune response to antigens. While cycling, here are some signs you need to take extra rest.

  • An elevated heart rate
  • Mental tiredness
  • Inability to hit target goals while cycling

Whether you are just getting into cycling or participating in the activity for years, don't assume you have to stop because you are getting older. Get better with these cycling recovery tips below.

1. Make sure that your bike is in good condition.

The last thing you want to do is fall off a bike suddenly or experience an unexpected accident. Ensuring you have the right electric bike for your cycling in the ideal location is essential. Check this to ensure your bike is well and ready to be cycled.

  • Is it time to change your bike?

We all get a little bit sentimental when it comes to old possessions. Nevertheless, if you have been using the same old bike for decades, chances are it is time to own a new one. When getting a new one, factors to look out for are comfort, ability, budget, and pressure placed on your legs and knees. Newer models designed for seniors can fit your needs. You will find bikes that are designed with the seats in a recommended position which will allow you to ease the strain on your back and knees.

  • Have you tried electric bicycles?

Are you searching for a little extra boost while riding and feel you can handle it? You may want to consider an electric bicycle. Electric bicycles are modes of transport that come with motorized engines that are low-impact. It doesn't take away the exercise potential entirely. You can search for the best e-bikes 2021 or e-bikes for sale for bookings.

  • Have you tried riding with friends?

Riding with friends becomes more valuable when you do it with friends. Riding gives an open opportunity to enjoy the company of another while exercising. Relationships are formed to help with your cycling journey. Not only would you enjoy social interactions, but you would also gain access to first-hand information you didn't know in your cycling process.

2.Hydrate with cycling recovery drinks

Staying hydrated is very important in your cycling journey. Develop the habit of weighing yourself after a hard or long ride. Attach a water bottle with water or cycling recovery drinks to your commuter bike, or wear a hydration backpack to get sips while riding without affecting your balance. Some other choices are:

  • Fruit juices provide calories and potassium.
  • Vegetable juices that offer plenty of sodium and carbohydrates.
  • Chocolate milk which has a lot of calories
  • Smoothie which has a mix of non-fat milk or yogurt, fruit, and sugar

3. Get filled up on carbs and protein

It is possible that when you were younger, you could pull off an exercise on an empty stomach, but your body is less forgiving compared to the way it used to be. You might feel dizzy or lightheaded if you don't get fueled up on energy foods after a ride. Make sure to consume carbohydrates before you get on that electrical cargo bike while eating a balanced diet can improve your cycling performance. Keeping extra junk food with you during the ride might help you regain stamina.  For example, if you weigh 150lbs, you should eat 300 calories of carbohydrates every hour.

You burn a lot of glycogen from carbohydrates and fat for fuel when you ride. The harder you ride, the more energy that comes from glycogen. If you are over 40, you can have a Vitamin D deficiency. It is even more likely if you do not gain access to natural sunlight all year long.

4. Self-massage

When riding, you are breaking down your muscles, making you weaker. If a professional massage isn't an option, you can self-massage after resting. Work on your legs regularly. If you massage your legs for an hour or two, be gentle. If you do it after the day of the hard ride, go deeper. Some self-massage tools that would help are foam rollers, massage balls,

and sticks. Self-massage helps remove waste products, reduce inflammation and encourage blood flow to promote good recovery.

5. Save your knees

Most complaints made by older cyclists are that after a long ride, their knees hurt. To ride right and stress less, keep your knees straight. As you pedal, make sure to do so in perfectly concentric circles, keeping your knees straight. Any movement or wobbling to the side- either outwards or inwards increases stress on your cartilage and knee cap as they rub together, which makes cycling uncomfortable. To avoid this, do these tips. 

  • Maintain a comfortable speed
  • Keep your seatback
  • Watch your' afloat.'
  • Don't push yourself too hard
  • Raise the handlebars above the seat
  • Install wild tires, not narrow ones
  • Use platform pedals, not clip-on
  • Ride comfortably, not competitively
Find more on " Cycling Knee Pain: Causes and How To Fix It".

    6. Include some mobility work

    In association with cycling, it is vital to add other exercises to your routine to help build strength. While regular training would help your body look young and youthful, strength training can do wonders for your joints and tendons. The mobility work is easy to learn. Some favorite mobility exercises to try out are:

    • Y Pattern

    Start standing with arms at sides. Raise both arms overhead as far and as comfortably as you can with palms open and facing each other. Pull your shoulder blades down and back, then squeeze them together and release. Repeat up to 20 reps.

    • T Pattern

    Start with arms out to the side at shoulder height, palms facing forward. Pull shoulder blades back and down, squeeze and release shoulder blades. Repeat up to 20 reps.

    • Exaggerated Marching

    Stand with feet hip-width apart. Raise both arms so that elbows are at shoulder height and forearms are perpendicular to the floor. Lift right knee to hip height so that knee and hip form 90-degrees angles. Slowly and with control, continue to alternate knees for a total of 20 reps.

    • Leg Lift

    Start standing with feet hip-width apart with arms in a goal post- elbow in line with shoulder, wrist over elbows, and fingers pointed towards the ceiling. Extend your left leg straight out in front of you, no higher than hip height. Slowly lower leg back to starting position with control. Repeat with the other leg - alternate 20 reps.

    7. Try compression clothing

    Professionals recommend wearing compression clothing (like compression tights) for periods of two-to-four hours after exercise. Compression clothing increases blood flow and reduces swelling and post-exercise soreness.

    Meanwhile, choosing compression clothing depends on several factors such as material (fabric, design, interaction), athlete (body shape, intensity of use, fitness, perception), and type of sport or use (intensive or casual). Compression shorts keep your muscles warm, reduce chafing abrasions, speed recovery time, and increase endurance rate.

    8. Allow your mind to rest.

    As well as giving your body time to rest and recover, it would be best if you gave your mind some time to rest too. It is vital to understand that if you have not recovered mentally, it doesn't matter what physical shape you are in. it would become hard to push yourself beyond the normal limits.

    9. Sleep well and take out time to rest

    If your cycling routine involves cycling hard a few days a week, make sure you take some days off. Your body will perform better when you have enough rest before your cycling duration. Failure to do so would attract exhaustion, affecting your physical and mental performance. Once this part of your health is affected, there is a high risk of an accident or damages.

    Typically, those over the age of 40 will require more sleep than the younger folks because it takes longer for an older body to rejuvenate. Instead of staying up late and stressing out, get to bed early. You will see the effects of a clear mind and a whole night of sleep on your next bike ride.

    Final thoughts

    Sitting is being documented as unhealthy for all kinds of reasons, including back problems and raising blood pressure. Riding a bicycle has the opposite impact. The right bicycle has the potential to bring happiness and health. It reduces stress and improves physical, mental, and emotional health. With the right bike, posture, and post-ride recovery, you could continue to cycle into your golden years.